Expert Review for Obstetrics and Gynecology cases

About Dr Letham

I am a Licensed, Board Certified Ob/Gyn who has been in practicing in North Carolina and Virginia since 2015. I have been involved in teaching of medical students and residents since 2018. I bring years of clinical experience, teaching, technical writing and speaking together to review cases for both plaintiffs and defense.

Areas of Expertise:


Management of routine and high risk pregnancy both pre-partum and intrapartum. Common situations that arise include labor management, fetal acidosis, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), operative delivery (forceps or vacuum) resulting in birth injury. Complications of cesarean (C-section) pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and post-partum hemorrhage.

Gynecologic Surgery

Surgical management and complications of common gynecological procedures including laparoscopic hysterectomy, DaVinci Surgery, ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, mysosure polypectomy, myomectomy, oophorectomy and resection of endometriosis. Surgical management of miscarriages, suction dilation and evacuation (D&E)

Office Obstetrics and Gynecology

Pre-conception counseling, first trimester screening. Management of abnormal pap smear, abnormal mammograms. In office procedures including colposcopy, endometrial biopsy, biopsies of vulva and vagina.



Phone: 540-300-8636


1285 Emancipation Hwy

PO Box 1036

Fredericksburg VA 22402